Freedom of Association Policy

Freedom of Association Policy

Freedom of
Association Policy
Code: PCSA-P.05
Issue: 02
Date: 01/12/20


Consistent with its commitment to Principle 3 of the United Nations Global Compact, PLAISIO COMPUTERS commits to respecting employees’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining without interference and free from discrimination, as established in the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to organize Convention (C.87) and the Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention (C.98). PLAISIO COMPUTERS will promote these rights in relations with business partners, as described in the PLAISIO COMPUTERS Policy, and will seek to prevent or mitigate any adverse impacts on this right by business partners which are directly linked to PLAISIO COMPUTERS’ operations, products and services.

PLAISIO COMPUTERS will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and collective bargaining agreements. PLAISIO COMPUTERS will:

  • allow employees to freely elect worker representatives (as defined by ILO C.135 Workers Representatives Convention, 1971, Article 3) of their choice,
  • afford facilities to workers’ representatives as may be appropriate to enable them to carry out their functions promptly and efficiently, and in such a way that does not impair the efficient operation of PLAISIO COMPUTERS facilities,
  • allow worker representatives to consult with management regarding workplace processes through participation in workers councils and cooperation committees and
  • conduct due diligence to identify operations in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk This policy will be communicated to personnel by providing them with access to this policy and any related standards, and to other interested parties by communicating internally and externally on progress in implementing this commitment.

To ensure the effective implementation of this policy, PLAISIO COMPUTERS will:

  • develop working environment consistent with this policy that are appropriate to local conditions and regulations; and
  • ensure that a grievance mechanism is available for receiving and addressing complaints of violations of this policy and is communicated to all relevant stakeholders.
    The Technical Director will be responsible for the effective implementation of this policy across all operations owned or managed by PLAISIO COMPUTERS.


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